The Olaf Timewaster

It's all explained in my 9/22/04 post...

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Saturday, July 15, 2006


No...not the musical. Just fame itself.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be famous. Not that I'm doing anything to further that along. I guess I just want it to happen to me out of the blue. If that isn't the definition of wishful thinking, I don't know what is. But why do I want to be famous? Is it the fortune? Glamour? Recognition? Hey, as long as we're wishing here....

Though I read about famous people everyday, it's rare (maybe not ever) that I've read about someone being so happy that they're famous. Perhaps it's considered bad form, but no one says "Man, I'm just so glad that everyone knows me. I'm really happy with my high-level of fame right now." But would that necessarily be a bad thing? It may be hard to say without sounding pridefully pompous, but I honestly think it would be fun to be famous.

Sure, the paparazzi would get in the way if you were uber-famous. And there's always a wrong kind of fame (think infamous...but not in-famous). But I think I would love to do interviews, premieres, junkets, talk shows, tours, etc... Whatever it took!

I'm not much to look at though. Just a plain guy from California who works with computers (there's an original storyline). I see a gameshow contestant get famous and think, "I could do that." I see a reality show performer and think, "I could do that." See a blogger get famous because they reported the right thing at the right time in a humorous way..."I could do that." But is fame on the Internet real fame? Fame in name only? A flash in the pan?

Why am I worried? I'm not doing anything to further this. Just spinning my wheels while I study for the next Microsoft exam. One out of hundreds of thousands of certifications. Nothing too famous about that....


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